Strengthening the Resilience of Social Protection for Vulnerable Populations in the Kyiv Region

A significant event for the social community took place — a regional round table on the topic «Strengthening the Resilience of Social Protection for Vulnerable Populations in the Kyiv Region», organized by the Kyiv Regional Branch of UTOS.

The main goal of this event was to improve access to quality socially significant services and to simplify the procedure for obtaining additional rehabilitation means (medical group) at the local level for people with visual impairments, especially in the context of martial law. The meeting was held at the office of the Obukhiv UTOS enterprise.

The participants included the heads of the KOO UTOS board, heads of UTOS branches, the director of the social enterprise POG «Obukhiv UTOS», representatives of the workforce of the social enterprise POG «Bila Tserkva UTOS», the director of the Department of Social Protection of the Population in the Kyiv Region, I. V. Meshchan, as well as the President of the Public Organization Association for the Protection of the Rights of People with Disabilities in Ukraine — Yan Hladkyi.

In his speech, Yan Hladkyi, President of the Association for the Protection of the Rights of People with Disabilities in Ukraine, emphasized the importance of a systematic approach to solving the problems of people with disabilities and underscored the need for close cooperation between various organizations and state structures to achieve significant results. He noted that only through combined efforts can real changes be achieved and the quality of life of people with visual impairments be improved.

The round table participants discussed various aspects of social protection for vulnerable populations, including access to medical services, provision of rehabilitation means, social integration, and support in the labor market. Particular attention was paid to developing strategies to improve the living conditions of people with visual impairments in the context of martial law, which creates additional challenges for ensuring their rights and needs.

The outcome of the round table was the agreement on a preliminary roadmap for implementing changes in Kyiv's social programs, which expand the opportunities for social protection of people with visual impairments. Key directions were identified for further steps to enhance the resilience and effectiveness of social assistance.

This event was an important step towards creating a more inclusive society where every person, regardless of their abilities, has access to the necessary resources and support.

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