Accessibility of facilities and provision of services for people with visual impairments

A round table meeting on the topic «Accessibility of facilities and provision of services as a component of improving the quality of social protection for people with visual impairments» took place in the premises of the social entrepreneurship club of the Obukhiv Branch of the Ukrainian Society of the Blind.

The round table discussion was attended by the first leaders of the Obukhiv district, mayors of cities and villages, their deputies or heads of social protection departments, heads of local communities' social services centers, the director of the Kyiv Regional Fund for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities, and the President of the Public Organization «Association for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine» — Yan Gladkiy.

At the meeting, representatives of the Ukrainian Society of the Blind raised issues regarding the accessibility of facilities and their smart adaptation specifically for the needs of the visually impaired, accessibility to administrative and other services, and facilitating access to obtaining technical (assistive) rehabilitation devices.

Both sides highlighted the problems and discussed ways to address them. They exchanged positive experiences and outlined a work plan for improving the quality of social protection for people with visual impairments.

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